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July is BIPOC
Mental Health Awareness

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Here are a few factors that can contribute to a few negative beliefs that affect the Mental Health in  BIPOC Communities.


Black / African American descent Communities


Seeing Mental Health care in the Black / African American communities may be seen as a sign or moral weakness , or a lack of faith in God.  Some feel that the strength of their ancestors through slavery, segregation, racial injustice, they should be able to withstand the adversity.


Latine / Hispanic descent Communities


Some Latine tend to be more private when it comes to mental health. Many The phrase “la ropa sucia se lava en casa,” or “don’t air your dirty laundry in public.”  is used often meaning it is shameful to tell all your or the family business out to everyone.  Some religious affiliations believe that demons or sinful behavior are the cause of mental health conditions.


Asian American / Pacific Islander descent Communities


High expectations of achievement and success from family members may cause mental health challenges.  Also sharing their mental health challenges with other outside of the family could be seen as dishonorable or  betrayal and bring shame to the family.


 Arab and Middle Eastern descent Communities


To some in this community, mental health challenges can be looked at as a personal failure. Some may fear being labeled  with mental health issues could potentially isolate them from their family and friends. When looking at the situation from a spiritual perspective,  a mental health condition would be considered a form of spiritual punishment.


Communities of multiracial descent


Individuals in this community may feel they have to navigate different types of stigma from the multiple ethnic communities they are a part of.  Some even experience alienation from communities they are a part of if they are not perceived as “Good enough” of a given race/ethnicity.  


#BIPOCMentalHealthAwarenessMonth #StLouis #mentalhealthadvocate #ADRDANCE #salsa #bachata #AFRO-LATIN #CARMENGUYNN

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