Zero Tolerance Policy
The St. Louis Salsa Congress is an event for everyone, regardless of race, age, level of dance, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, physical appearance, religion, or anything else.
As a Vendor/Instructor/Participant/Hired Personnel of the 2022 St. Louis Salsa Congress (Congress), I commit to respecting and following the Congress’s 2022 Code of Ethics (available on our website).
I understand that the Congress has a Zero Tolerance Policy (Policy) towards all forms of harassment. This Policy will help create a welcoming, safe dance space for everyone (including myself) for the entirety of the Congress.
As part of this Policy, disrespectful and/or inappropriate behaviors are prohibited and could result in being told to leave the Congress activities, being barred from future Congresses, and/or other repercussions. I understand I will not receive a refund if I am asked to leave the Congress.
Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:
Using hateful or offensive language
Filming or recording someone without permission
Touching someone in an inappropriate, nonconsensual way
Threatening or displaying coercive behavior of any kind
Encouraging threatening or harmful behavior of any kind
If I have questions about ANY of these policies, I will contact a Congress representative and get the answers.
If during the Congress hours I WITNESS or am UNCERTAIN about ANY behavior that potentially qualifies as any of the behavior above, I will find and report it to a Congress representative immediately.
I understand that I am a vital part of making this Congress a successful, fun, welcoming place for ALL dancers!
Entre Donation Fee
Proceeds from the donation entry fee will be going to Fresh Beginnings. Fresh Beginnings Safe House is a refuge for survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. They offer a variety of supportive programming to facilitate healing and recovery, including comprehensive therapeutic services to assist survivors in overcoming obstacles and building fulfilling new futures. We strive to help restore dignity, purpose and self-worth in every individual we reach.

Carmen R. Guynn
Exective Producer
Arommia R. Osborne - Arzabe
Benefactor Orgainizer
Bernie Riley
Contestant Coordinator
Gloria Farr
Contestant Coordintor